How To Boost Children’s Development in the Summer

Summer is a fun and exciting time for children, filled with lazy days at the pool, family vacations, and playing outdoors. However, it’s important to remember that summer break also means a break from structured learning for most children. As parents and caregivers, finding ways to promote continuing children’s development during this time is crucial.

Here are some tips on how you can keep your child engaged and learning throughout the summer:

Encourage Outdoor Activities

The warm weather and longer daylight hours make summer the perfect time to explore the great outdoors. Encourage your child to spend time outside playing games, riding bikes, or going on nature walks. These activities provide physical exercise, help develop gross motor skills, and stimulate creativity.

Plan Educational Field Trips

Summer is the perfect time to take your child on educational field trips. This could include visits to museums, zoos, or historical sites. These experiences will expose children to new and exciting things and help develop their curiosity and critical thinking skills.

Engage in Summer Reading

Reading is a fundamental skill that should be nurtured all year round. Take advantage of the extra free time in the summer to encourage your child to read for pleasure. Visit your local library regularly and let your child choose books they are interested in. You can also organize a book club with other parents and their children, creating a fun and social environment for reading comprehension discussions.

Enroll in Summer Camps or Classes

Summer camps and classes offer a variety of activities and learning opportunities for children. Look for programs that focus on your child’s interests, such as sports, arts, science, or music. These activities provide new experiences and help develop social skills and teamwork.

Involve Your Child in Daily Tasks

Simple household tasks like cooking, gardening, or organizing can be great learning opportunities for children during the summer break. Please encourage your child to participate and explain the reasoning behind each task, helping them develop life skills and critical thinking abilities.

Use Technology Wisely

While it’s important to limit screen time, technology can also offer valuable learning opportunities for children. Many educational apps, games, and programs can enhance your child’s skills in various subjects. Just be sure to monitor and balance screen time with other activities.

By incorporating these tips into your summer routine, you can ensure that your child continues to develop and learn during their break from school. So go out and explore, read, create, and most importantly, make memories with your child that will last a lifetime.  Remember that learning doesn’t have to stop just because it’s summertime – with some creativity and effort, you can promote continuing children’s development all year round!

5 Summer Learning Activities Your Kids Will Love

Summer is a beautiful time for kids as they get a break from their studies and enjoy the warm weather. However, as a parent, you may be worried about their academic progress. The good news is that summer learning doesn’t have to be tedious. There are many fun activities that you can incorporate into your kids’ summer routine that is both enjoyable and educational. Here are five educational activities to incorporate into your children’s summer break.


Gardening is an excellent way to teach your kids about science, nature, and healthy eating. Allow them to plant their vegetable garden and learn about the different stages of plant growth. They can also learn about different soil types, insects, and pests. Plus, the satisfaction they will get from harvesting their crops and using them for meals will make this activity a hit!

Museum Visits:

Summer is the perfect time to visit museums, which can be fun and educational for kids. Many museums offer summer programs for kids to learn about art, science, history, and culture. Visiting museums can help your children improve their critical thinking and analytical skills and will also teach them about the world around them.

Outdoor Science Experiments:

Engage your kids in fun summer experiments that teach them about science. They can explore the physics of water, learn about soil properties, or build rockets with science kits. They can also learn about solar energy, the earth’s rotation, and acidity levels in different substances. These experiments will not only educate your child but also help stimulate their curiosity.

Reading and Writing:

Encourage your kids to maintain their reading and writing skills with fun activities such as book clubs and journaling. With book clubs, your child can choose the books they want to read and discuss them with their peers. Journaling helps with writing skills and also serves as a way for your child to express themselves creatively.


Cooking can be a fun and educational activity for kids. They can learn about measurements, ingredients, and how to follow instructions. Use this to teach them about the different food groups and the importance of a balanced diet. Plus, the sense of accomplishment they’ll feel from serving up a delicious meal will boost their confidence.

Summer learning doesn’t have to be dull and dry. Incorporate these fun activities into your kids’ summer routine; they will be eager to learn while having a good time. With these engaging activities, your child can build upon their skills and knowledge, gain new perspectives, and develop a lifelong love for learning. Happy Summer Learning!

Keeping Kids Active in the Wintertime

The winter months can be especially tough for parents trying to keep their children active. Getting kids to leave the house can be challenging when it’s too cold and snowy outside. But staying active is essential for physical health, mental wellness, and fighting cabin fever! So here are some ideas that can help you get your kids motivated this winter.

Indoor Playgrounds

There are lots of fun indoor playgrounds that are great for kids of all ages. They provide a safe place for your children to play and explore and allow them to interact with other children in a supervised environment. You may find classes or programs at these locations to benefit your child’s development during the colder months. Just make sure that you check out their safety protocols before bringing your children in!

Yoga & Exercise Classes

Your local gym or community center may offer yoga or exercise classes tailored explicitly toward young children. These activities are a great way to stay physically active while having fun and learning new skills. It also provides an opportunity for social interaction with other kids who share similar interests as your child. Plus, you can join them during class if you need a break from indoors all day!

Snow Activities

Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean that playing in the snow should be ruled out completely! You can turn activities like sledding, snowball fights, and building snowmen into fun family outings, even when it’s chilly outside. Just ensure everyone knows to bundle up, so they don’t get too cold! If there’s not enough snow where you live to participate in those activities, try visiting a nearby ski resort or ice skating rink instead – both are great ways to stay active while having fun with your family.

Keeping your kids active during the winter doesn’t have to be complicated – plenty of options are available! Indoor playgrounds, yoga and exercise classes, snow activities – all of these can help keep your children entertained while providing plenty of physical activity. So don’t let cabin fever get the best of you; get creative and find ways to have some wintertime fun with your kids today!

Keeping Engaged with Your Child’s Schoolwork After Class

As a parent, finding ways to remain involved in your child’s learning after school hours can be challenging. With online classes and virtual classrooms, it can feel like much of the day is spent in front of a computer or phone. But there are plenty of creative solutions to stay engaged with your child’s learning journey and help them stay focused on their academic goals. Here are some tips for staying connected with your child’s schoolwork after class.


Create a Schedule: Establishing routines and deadlines can help keep you and your child on track regarding schoolwork. Set aside specific days or times for homework sessions and provide breaks throughout the day to give everyone time to relax. Having a schedule and sticking with it will help create structure in what otherwise could be an unstructured environment.


Provide Resources: Every student has different needs when it comes to learning, so make sure you have access to the right resources at home that will support your education. This could include textbooks, online materials, apps, or even tutoring services if needed. Please make sure these resources are available for your kids whenever they need them; this will help them develop good habits around studying from an early age and help you stay connected with their progress at home.


Encourage Communication: Keeping open communication between yourself and your children is essential for maintaining an effective relationship with schoolwork after class. Encourage regular check-ins about how their studies are going so that you can offer support where needed. It is also essential for your children to communicate any difficulties they might have so that you can work together as a team to come up with solutions that work best for them.


Staying involved in your child’s education after class is essential for helping them succeed academically and fostering a trusting relationship between parent and child. By creating schedules, providing resources, and encouraging communication between family members, parents can ensure that their children have all the tools necessary for success in the classroom—and beyond! With these tips in mind, parents everywhere should feel confident about engaging meaningfully with their children’s schoolwork, even when classes are over for the day!

How to Get Your Kids Motivated After a Long Winter Break

The winter break is a time to relax and spend time with family, but it can also be challenging to motivate kids to return to school. After weeks away from their friends and teachers, many students feel they need more motivation and preparation for the work ahead. So if you’re struggling to get your child excited about returning to school, don’t worry – we have some tips!

1. Start by setting a positive tone. The winter break can be daunting and overwhelming if you approach it with the wrong mindset, so start positively for the return to school. Encourage your child to see this as an opportunity to reconnect with old friends and get excited about new challenges. Remind them that they are ready for whatever comes their way this year and can accomplish anything with hard work.

2. Make a plan to get back into the routine. When kids come home from winter break, everything is different. They are used to sleeping in and staying up late, eating food they don’t usually get during the school year, and having much more free time. To help them get back into a routine and prepare for the challenges ahead, create a plan with your child to ease themselves back into the school year. For example, you can set weekly goals and check-in times so that you both know what to expect each day or week ahead.

3. Use technology to help stay connected. Technology is a great way to keep your kids motivated after the break. Many schools, teachers, or other students will have online platforms where you and your child can access information about homework, upcoming assignments, and more. If your school doesn’t offer this, consider creating an account on one of these sites for you and your child to access. Not only will this allow you both to stay organized and on top of assignments, but it can also help spark excitement about learning new things!

5 Winter Break Activities to Keep Your Kids Entertained

Winter break is a great time to relax and spend time with your family, but it can also be when kids get bored quickly. If you’re looking for ways to keep your children entertained, look no further! Here are five fun activities to keep them busy and happy throughout the winter break.

1. Build a fort or blanket tent: This classic children’s activity is always a hit, no matter what time of year. All you need are blankets and pillows to create an indoor fort or blanket tent that your kids can play in for hours.

2. Have a baking day: Many children love helping in the kitchen, so winter break is the perfect time to let them jump in and whip up some sweet treats. Whether you make cookies, cupcakes, or other favorites, your kids will have a great time measuring ingredients and decorating their creations.

3. Go on a holiday-themed scavenger hunt: This fun activity is perfect for children of all ages. Write down a list of holiday-related items, such as candy canes, ornaments, or snowmen, and hide them around your house or yard for your kids to find. This challenging activity will keep them busy for hours!

4. Create an indoor obstacle course: If the weather outside isn’t ideal for playing games or going on walks, an indoor obstacle course is a fun alternative. Set up some cardboard boxes, hula hoops, pillows, and other household items to create a unique and challenging system that your kids will love.

5. Plan winter-themed arts and crafts projects: From making snowflakes out of paper to creating colorful snowman-themed collages, there are endless possibilities for winter-themed arts and crafts projects. Let your kids use their imagination to create fun ideas or search online for inspiration. No matter what they choose to do, they’re sure to have a great time.

Keep Your Kids Ahead of the Game: Strategies for Academic Success

Keeping your kids academically engaged during the school year can be challenging. With so many things competing for their attention, it can take time to ensure they stay on top of their studies. However, you can use a few strategies to help them stay ahead of the game. This blog post will discuss some of the best ways to help your kids achieve academic success!

  • First, set aside a designated time and place for studying each day. This creates a routine and allows your child to focus on their schoolwork without distractions. Please encourage them to take breaks during this study time, as it can be challenging to concentrate for extended periods.
  • Next, stay involved in their education by regularly checking their progress and assignments. This can be done by reviewing their homework and asking about tests or projects they have coming up. Finally, encourage them to seek help from teachers if they struggle in a subject, as it is essential to address any academic challenges early on.
  • Finally, make sure your child is staying organized by having them keep track of upcoming due dates and assignments. This can be done by using a planner or calendar or setting reminders on their phone. Please encourage them to prioritize tasks and break down more significant assignments into smaller chunks to make them more manageable.

Implementing these strategies can help your child stay on track with their studies and achieve academic success.

The Benefits of Playing Outside For Early Childhood Development

Benefits of Playing Outside for Early Childhood Development

Most early childhood experts agree that outdoor play is essential for young children. Not only does it provide them with the opportunity to explore and learn about their environment, but it also helps them to develop important physical, social, and cognitive skills. Here are just a few of the benefits that outdoor play can provide for early childhood development:

Physical Development

Outdoor play is a great way for young children to get the exercise they need. Running, climbing, and playing games are all great ways for them to develop their gross motor skills. Additionally, being outdoors can also help children to develop their fine motor skills as they pick up small objects or try to climb onto playground equipment.

Social Development

Playing outside also provides young children with the opportunity to interact with other kids and adults. This can help them to develop important social skills, such as communication, cooperation, and problem-solving. Additionally, outdoor play can also give children a chance to practice their leadership skills as they take charge of games or activities.

Cognitive Development

Finally, outdoor play can also help young children to develop important cognitive skills. Searching for objects, counting steps, or following directions are all great ways for kids to learn about their environment and develop their thinking skills. Additionally, playing outside can also help children to develop their imaginations as they pretend to be different animals or characters.

As the weather warms up outside, the best way to spend the days is in our backyards or visiting some of the best parks around your home.

Family-Friendly Activities For Spring in Eden Prairie, MN

What Are Some Family-Friendly Activities You Can Do This Spring in Eden Prairie, MN?

If you’re looking for some fun activities to do with your family this spring, look no further than Eden Prairie, MN! There are plenty of great things to do in this city that will keep everyone entertained. Here are just a few of the many family-friendly activities you can enjoy in Eden Prairie this spring:

1. Visit the Minnesota Zoo. The Minnesota Zoo is a great place to take the family for a day of fun. There are plenty of animals to see, and the zoo also offers educational programs and events that the whole family can enjoy.

2. Go hiking or biking. Eden Prairie is home to many beautiful parks and trails, making it the perfect place to go for a hike or bike ride. There are trails of all difficulty levels, so everyone in the family can find one that’s just right for them.

3. Play at the park. Eden Prairie is home to several great parks, including Miller Park and Round Lake Park. These parks offer plenty of playground equipment and open space for running around, making them perfect for a family outing.

4. Visit the Eden Prairie Center. The Eden Prairie Center is a great place to take the family for a day of shopping, dining, and entertainment. There are over 100 stores and restaurants at the center, as well as a movie theater, an indoor water park, and much more.

5. Take a drive around Lake Riley. If you’re looking for some beautiful scenery to take in, head over to Lake Riley and take a scenic drive around the lake. The views will not disappoint!

In addition to these great activities, Eden Prairie is home to many other great things that your family can enjoy this spring.

Best Public Playgrounds Near Brooklyn Park, MN

Brooklyn Park is known for its access to many parks, and one of the best things about them is that they are open to the public. If you are looking for a great place to take your kids or just get some exercise, these parks are worth checking out.

Elm Creek Park Reserve:

While it is not in Brooklyn Park, it is within minutes of most homes. In addition to being the largest park reserve in the Twin Cities metro, it also offers many fun activities and playgrounds. This huge park is located in Maple Grove, Dayton, and Champlin. It offers tons of outdoor activities and trails, but the biggest selling point for kids is its large and colorful playground area.

Central Park:

This park is located in the heart of Brooklyn Park and offers something for everyone. There is a playground, a basketball court, a soccer field, and plenty of green space for picnics or games of tag.

Northwoods Park:

This park is great for kids thanks to its large playground with a variety of equipment, including a climbing wall and a zip line. There is also a basketball court, a tennis court, and a softball field.

Willowstone Park:

This small neighborhood park is a hidden gem. It has a playground, a basketball court, and plenty of green space. It also boasts a great view of the Mighty Mississippi River! It is the perfect place to take a break from the city without having to travel too far.

As Spring approaches, it’s time to start getting some fresh air for your kids. If you are looking for a place to get some exercise or take your kids for a playdate, these parks are worth checking out.

How to Get Your Kids Active During the Cold Months

During the cold months, it can be difficult to get your kids active and outside. You can try a variety of activities to keep them active, such as sledding or skating. You can also try out outdoor sports, such as hockey or skiing. You can also use indoor play areas such as playgrounds or ice rinks. Children can imitate their parents and siblings while enjoying outdoor activities.

Getting your children active during the cold months is essential for their physical and mental health. The cold weather causes them to store unused energy, which can affect their well-being. This can be easily prevented by limiting the screen time your kids have during the winter. By doing this, you will be able to motivate your child to spend more time outdoors during warmer months. The same applies to the parents. It is crucial for them to be physically active to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle.

In addition to outdoor activities, you can also do activities inside. Some of these activities include video games and dancing. For your little ones, try bowling or karaoke. During the cold months, indoor sports like soccer or basketball are also great indoors. In addition to playing video games and walking, you can try dancing in the snow. You can even plan family dance parties. Whatever your children like, make sure they are physically active during the cold months.

How Daycare Teaches Kids to Be Resilient

Working parents want to ensure their children are learning the best they can while away at daycare. While there are many benefits of enrolling your child in a daycare program, one of the most overlooked ones is the resiliency it can instill in a child. Here is how child care centers build resilience in children.

Successful daycares set up spaces to allow the children to explore their environment safely, which builds up self-esteem, independence, and confidence. There are many hands-on approaches to learning at daycares, which can help bloom creativity in children. Many skills are learned from this approach, and since children are curious by nature, they will constantly learn more and more.

Empathy is one of the most important traits anyone can develop. At childcare centers, children are constantly working and playing with each other. This can empower children to do good for others, but this can also help them be more confident in themselves. Children are taught social lessons each day, and when they learn that not every child is like them, they begin to understand how to be more empathetic towards others.

Because of the social environment, children learn to self-regulate behaviors and develop patience. Tying in the empathy they develop, children become much more resilient. They may even begin helping other children who might have a difficult time with solving a problem.

Over time, you will find that your child overcomes minor challenges once they’ve spent time in a child care center. Their development is crucial to their success in their adolescence, and much of their learning can start at daycare.

Tips on Making Play Time Learning Time

All children love to play. But did you know that they naturally learn by playing? There is more to “having fun” when children play. Since they are actively making their own choices and being involved in an activity, children can discover meanings and build connections. As a parent, you want to ensure your children are getting the best educational experiences they can get, even at very early stages of life. Luckily, you can incorporate learning into your playtime. Here are ways you can extend your child’s learning through playtime.

For Two Years and Under

While you may not think babies are “playing” in the sense that a toddler would, they do experience with their senses. One of the best educational experiences for babies is a “show and tell” activity. Children start to interact with other materials as they get older, but when they are under two, you can make for an interactive yet educational experience.

Show your babies any colorfully contrasting items, or ones with lots of texture and noise. They will be mesmerized by the sight of some objects. You should have them placed within their reach, and encourage them to play with them. You can use any toy or object that is safe for their age. Many people don’t realize they are already doing activities like this.

Another way to encourage learning while playing is to “tell” them what they are doing. When your baby is playing, interact with them and describe to them what they are doing. You should show that you are curious about what they’re doing and ask them questions. For instance, if your child is playing with a red ball, you can announce, “I see you are playing with a red ball!” You could then begin to ask them questions about the activity, such as, “What does the ball do?”.

Playing With Toddlers

As children get closer to the toddler years, they begin to incorporate what they see others do into their play. They might also begin to play next to other people. If you notice your child fixating on an activity that other people are doing, you should ask them questions and encourage them to try the activity themselves. For instance, if there is another group of children working on a puzzle, the toddler may wander over and watch them figure it out. Explain to them what they are doing. “Those kids are fitting the pieces together to make a puzzle. Can you find the missing piece?”

For many young children, playtime can be an educational experience. As a parent, you should encourage your child to explore their curiosities, and be there to ask questions. The more you pique their curiosity, the more informational the experience can be. Playing can be an incredibly powerful tool for children!

Tips For Teaching Responsibility To Children

Children learn most when they experience the lessons they learn in school or childcare. Responsibility is an important trait that children should learn early on. Here are some tips on how to raise responsible children.

Be a Role Model

First and foremost, as parents, you should model responsible behavior in the home. Some simple steps are apologizing when a mistake is made, cleaning up after every mess, bringing a shopping cart back to the store, etc. Many simple moments in our everyday life require our attention, and involving your kids in them can help teach them responsibility.

Outline and Enforce Rules

Be consistent with your enforcement of rules. Make a few set rules for the house, and make sure you are consistently verbalizing them. You should also make sure you are always enforcing them for every child, and not making excuses for them.

Stay Positive

Maintaining positivity is incredibly important. When you have a chore to do, be cheerful about it when you ask your children to help. If you’ve finished your meal, say “Please put your dishes in the sink”, rather than “Why did you leave a mess?”. Positive reinforcement can be crucial when introducing responsibilities to your children. Another good tip is to involve yourself in the chore. After a meal, you could say “Let’s clean up the dishes now!”.

Parents will begin to realize that their actions rub off on their kids. When you show that you take care of your responsibilities, your children will learn just how important they are. Try to keep your kids involved in your daily activities as much as possible, as this will enthuse them to learn about responsibility.

How to To Support a Child’s Mental Health

Every parent should care about their children’s mental health. And in times like these, many children may feel stress in and out of the home. Regardless of the situations, they are facing at the moment, there are methods parents can take to ensure their children’s mental health is taken seriously. Here are some tips that parents can follow to support their child’s mental health.

Make Routines At Home

Routines are essential for children to follow, as it gives them a sense of structure and security. Many changes have been made within the last year that may have damaged this sense of consistency, such as remote learning, moving around workspaces, and other adaptations we have had to make to combat COVID-19. Try to stay consistent with your routines at home, and if they have questions about why they need to make these adjustments, provide reassurance to them. When children know what they should expect in a situation, they will feel in control.

Don’t Burn Yourself Out

As a parent, you want to care for your children. However, this can often result in neglecting self-care. You aren’t able to pour from an empty cup, so you need to make sure your mental health is in check. Practicing guilt-free self-care is crucial to prevent yourself from burnout, and it also creates a great example for the kids. Try to create a list of things to do each day to bring joy into your life, and maybe share those moments with your kids!

If you want to develop empathy and stress-management skills in your kids, you shouldn’t mask your feelings to them. If you’re having a rough day, share with your children why you feel that way. For instance, due to social distancing guidelines, many of us have not seen our family in quite some time. You might feel bummed that you missed another holiday this year, and your kids might ask why you seem so sad.

By telling them the reasons why you feel this way, you help them identify and validate these emotions. You can then create a coping strategy. For instance, while you were not able to have a face-to-face dinner with your family for Easter this year, you still managed to have a virtual meeting. The concept of reuniting the family on a holiday still exists, albeit in a different format.

Spend More Time Together as a Family

While you develop routines for your family, make sure to put effort into making fun routines. For instance, dedicate your Saturdays to exploring a new park. Look up nearby parks, or venture out into state parks. These small routines can help develop strong familial relationships as well as giving your children something to look forward to every weekend. At the end of the day, ask your children for three good things that happened today. This can help them practice gratitude.

Fun Outdoor Spring Activities To Do With Your Family

As spring begins a new season, many families are excited to finally spend some extra time outdoors. With Covid-19 restrictions still in effect for many states, many parents are wondering how they can entertain their children outdoors. Here is a list of fun and creative activities you can do with your kids outside in the Spring.

Make Your Own Bubbles

Every kid loves bubbles, but did you know that they are incredibly easy to make? The best part, you probably have most of the ingredients on hand. To make your own bubbles, all you will need is dish soap, water, and glycerin. Mix the batch up, and get ready to blow bubbles in your backyard. There are many fun activities you can play with your children, such as a bubble tag, or a freeze dance. Whoever pops the most bubbles while the song plays wins.

Do a Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts are incredibly popular during this time of year, especially during Easter. You don’t need to round off some objects to have your kids find them. Instead, let them explore nature. Have them find flowers, pinecones, or even look for the perfect, roundest rock. Kids will love looking for unique items right in your own backyard, which is a great way to get them to enjoy some of the amazing beauty nature has to offer us.

Grow Veggies With Them

There is never an age that is too early to be taught how to garden. Bring your kids to a garden center and have them pick out a vegetable they would want to grow. You can teach them how to take care of the plant, from potting it to watering it, and as soon as you’ll know, it will become a bountiful crop. This can be an exciting way for your children to understand where the food you eat comes from, and it might even be the perfect way to get them to consume more veggies.

Take Spring Pictures

Many parents dread the idea of doing a family photo, especially with multiple kids. However, you can make the idea a bit more fun than just having them get dressed up and smile for a camera. Make the photo shoot a challenge by having your kids look around your yard to find the “best” spot. Then, you can take pictures in their spots. This will be perfect for updating your family pictures, but you can also do scrapbooks with them for a Mother’s Day project.

Spring is an optimistic time. Everybody is excited to see the warm weather arriving, so it’s a perfect time to connect back with your family outdoors. Consider some of these creative activities for spending time with your kids. It will keep them occupied for quite some time, and the best part is that it will all be spent outside.

3 Easy At Home Exercises You Can Do With Your Kids

Exercise is important for everyone, including your children. While your children may get plenty of play outside during the warm months, it is difficult to get them to exercise in the winter. So how do parents get their kids to move around indoors? Here are some of the easiest exercises you can do with your kids at home.

Running in Place

Running is the simplest way to exercise, and it’s a great way for kids to burn off some energy. The key to these “workouts” is to treat them like “play”. Do short bursts of exercises every day, that way you aren’t burning yourself out.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping is a great way to improve muscle strength and cardiovascular endurance, and there’s no better exercise than jumping jacks. Other examples of jumping could be hurdle hops, tuck jumps, criss-cross jumps, or even squats.

Creative Exercise Games

Get creative with the exercises you do. Some examples include squat relays and corners.. For squat relays, have your kids on the opposite side of the rooms. On “go” the kids will run to meet in the middle and do a series of squats. After, they return to the sides of the room, and repeat the process a few times.

Corners is another incredibly fun and energetic play. Put each kid in a corner of the room.

On your cue, have them rotate to a different corner of the room and do a series of exercises. This could be a few jumping jacks, 15 second wall sit, or some push-ups. Let your kids decide which workouts they want to do.

When it comes to getting your kids to exercise, it can be a bit difficult. But with stay-at-home orders, we are all a bit too pent up. Exercise is important at any age, so follow these fun activities at home so both you and your kids can get some form of exercise and a little bit of fun bonding time!

COVID-Friendly Activities You Can Enjoy With Your Family This Autumn

COVID-19 has turned our world upside down. And now that summer is officially over, a new season is upon us, one that is typically loaded with family activities. However, With the typical events canceled, and kids getting cooped up at home with distance learning, many parents are struggling to find ideas for keeping their kids entertained, all the while enjoying some quality family time. But by following CDC guidelines closely, you can still enjoy many popular fall activities with your family. Here’s the top COVID-friendly activities you can do with your family this fall.

Apple Orchards

Every fall, one of the most popular activities is to go apple picking. However, even some of the largest apple-picking events have shut down for the year. But that doesn’t mean you still can’t find an orchard near you. Many smaller, farm owned orchards are remaining open.

To ensure there are strict social distancing measures, they may end up allowing limited tickets and have timed entries, to ensure there are not too many people going in at once. So wear your masks, and wait until you get home to eat the apples. Make sure you and your kids wash their hands and the fruit thoroughly.

Scavenger Hunts

Fall is a great time to enjoy scavenger hunting at farms as well, but because this activity requires multiple people touching hidden objects, it can be a breeding ground for germs. However, you don’t need to bring your kids to an organized hunt. Instead, you can do it at home.

This is a perfect way to keep your kids entertained and enjoy the fall weather, and you can even get more creative with what you’re hiding!

Watching Leaves Change Colors

One of the more popular fall activities is leaf-peeping (a.k.a watching the leaves change to their glorious fall colors). This is quite possibly the most COVID-friendly activity, as well as the most festive fall activity. The best part of this is that you can do this from the comfort of your car or on a bike! You can always bring your family to locations that are notable for their fall leaves, but just make sure you abide social distancing guidelines.

Going on Hikes

Fresh air is the best kind of air, and luckily hiking is a fairly social-distancing friendly activity. The best part is, you can even get your fall-peeping done too! Make sure you check which facilities or parks are open at the time, and of course, be cautious of how busy these can be. Many playgrounds will still be closed in various parts of the country, so finding a park with safe and easy trails will be an excellent option instead. Make sure to bring your own sanitizer just to be extra safe.

There is no risk-free situation for COVID-19. Of course, the best measure to combat the spread of this novel virus is to follow CDC guidelines. But just remember there are alternatives to just staying at home all day.

How to Talk to Your Children About COVID-19

It’s been nearly six months since the initial shutdowns or businesses and schools, but as we are winding down the year, children are slowly returning to the routine of things, adapting to the changing climate of the pandemic we live in. For many children who are starting childcare, they might be simply too young to fully understand the magnitude of COVID-19, and as a parent, you probably are finding it incredibly difficult to talk with them about it. So here are some easy facts that you can share with your children.

Define what COVID-19 is

Let your children know what COVID-19 is by telling them there is a germ out there that can make some people sick. You can inform them of the common symptoms–if they are old enough to understand–such as a cough and fever. You should also let them know that not everyone may develop those symptoms or any at all.

Explain how germs spread

If you have not already gone over the importance of how germs spread, now is a crucial time. Explain to them how germs enter your body. COVID-19 typically spreads to the respiratory system by touching the nose, eyes, and mouth. Some children might not fully understand what germs are, so let them know that they are so small that they cannot see it. The best way to prevent contact is by frequently washing your hands and practicing not touching your face. They should also be aware of social distancing, especially when someone has a cough or a sneeze.

Teach the importance of washing your hands

Taking practical steps will not only prevent the spread of COVID-19, but it will teach them important lessons to use later on in life. Encourage them to wash their hands frequently before meals. If they sneeze or cough, make sure they know to cover it properly, and then follow up by washing their hands.

You can demonstrate these fairly easily. An excellent way to ensure they wash their hands for the recommended 20 seconds is to sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice. Get creative and have some fun!

Talking to your children about COVID-19 can be stressful for you, but it can be even scarier for your children. The importance of keeping your children calm about COVID-19 is crucial. You don’t want to cause fear in them, rather keep them informed and encourage them to do their part in preventing the spread.

Why Is It Important to Reward Kids for Effort?

Parenting is one of the hardest jobs out there. You’re responsible not just for feeding and clothing your children, but raising and nurturing them into good human beings.

Having said that, there’s no fixed set of guidelines or one right way to parenting. Every child is different, and every parent is different, and therefore, good parenting can be different for everyone.

One aspect that is a must for good parenting is rewarding children.

The Importance of Rewarding Kids

Rewarding children for certain behaviors and rewarding hard work is extremely crucial to encourage them to continue doing it. Continuously rewarding kids for good actions will motivate them to repeat them until it becomes a habit. This is especially important when kids are younger.

The first seven years of a child’s life are quite important as during this time, their brains are rapidly growing, and they’re developing vital life and social skills.
If a parent can teach good habits to their children from a young age through a proper reward system, they have a good chance of sticking with them throughout their lives.

Additionally, rewarding kids, for example, by praising a child, makes them feel good about themselves. Consequently, it helps shape their personality as they have good self-esteem and self-confidence.

Similarly, there are a lot of benefits of rewarding children. It creates a positive atmosphere. Sometimes, it can even help discourage bad behavior.

How to Reward Kids

Some parents might think that getting their children their favorite toy or the latest gadget is the way to reward them. That is not necessarily true. Giving your child a gift is an example of a tangible reward. You can reward your children through intangible gifts, such as praise.

Parents must give both tangible and intangible rewards to not make them too materialistic. A simple pat on the back or praising their actions is enough to make your child feel good and motivated to do it again.

Rewarding kids doesn’t always have to be done after they’ve accomplished something. It’s important to reward them simply for putting in their best effort too, regardless of whether they were able to achieve their goal or not.

Dangers of Rewarding Children

Despite what many may believe, there is such a thing as too much rewarding. The main goal of rewarding kids is to encourage a particular behavior or habit.

If you put too much focus on rewarding, your child might become only focused on the rewards and not on inculcating those habits. Even if it’s intangible rewards like praise, too much of it can turn your child into a narcissist.

For parents, even the smallest of good deeds and tiniest achievements by their children can make them incredibly happy and proud.

From learning to tie their own shoelaces and getting potty trained to graduating from college and getting that first job, achieving these milestones simply fills parents with pride. However, to actually get their children to achieve those milestones, parents need to reward their kids regularly.

How You Can Keep Your Children Calm During The COVID 19 Crisis

COVID-19 has disrupted the world, and many are experiencing the pangs of shelter-in-place. And because people are home 24/7 it’s causing anxiety levels to increase in adults and children. As such, parents are having to deal with their child or children’s schooling issues while trying to provide for their families. This pandemic is exceptional in its magnitude and spread throughout the world. It’s on every media outlet and it’s at the heart of every conversation especially during dinner. And due to the adjustments being made throughout the world, it has placed an increasingly amount of stress on children.

Here are a few ways on how you can keep your children calm during the COVID-19 crisis.

Remain calm. The key to having calm children during COVID-19 crisis or any crisis, is for parents to remain calm themselves. Children pick up on their parent’s behavior. For this reason, it is important for the parent(s) to remain calm in order to reassure their children that everything is okay. If you as a parent is unable to stay calm during the COVID-19 crisis, your children won’t remain calm either.

Create a sense of safety. Getting to know each other as a family is a safe haven to kids in the midst of vulnerability. Since kids are more susceptible and defenseless in many instances, it’s imperative to focus attention on providing a place of safety and giving them tangible provisions such as activities that are calming, their favorite dishes, blankets, or favorite toy used to make them feel safe or that all is well.

Limit exposure to news. News reports can be overwhelming for children especially since certain details about an event are described using sounds and images that may be a little too much for kids and can cause more harm than good. It’s also a good idea to not to depend on the news to provide your child(ren) with the updates about answers they may be seeking. Instead, get verified answers to the questions they are asking by seeking out credible sources to help you explain what is happening in the world concerning COVID-19. Let your children know that their safety is your number one priority.

Take time to listen. It’s important to give space for children to communicate their emotions and anxieties. By asking questions that allow them to give more than a yes or no answer gives them an opportunity to recognize what they want.

Tune in to what your children are saying, rather than giving them the answers allow them space to answer as they see it. Afterwards, reassure them by acknowledging what they have said and what they are feeling is normal.

Let the children play. Play is each youngster’s common type of conveying and preparing occasions. Children can recount tales about what they’ve heard and how they feel, regardless of whether they understand it or not. Besides, allowing children to play keeps them from being preoccupied with events that might be a bit too much for them. Plus, it gives them a way to release their bottled up tension and energy.

Crises have a way of affecting us and can cause a lot of anxiety especially to young people. How we cope is important not only for our well-being but for the well-being of our children. Thankfully, there are ways in which to remain calm during the COVID-19 crisis such as, remain calm as a parent, create a sense of safety, limit exposure to news, take time to listen, and let the children play.

This is not an exhaustive list of ways to remain calm during the COVID-19 crisis.

What are some of the ways in which you are helping your children remain calm during this pandemic? Let us know in the comment section.

5 Ways to Create a Calming Environment for Your Children

COVID-19 has brought a lot of added stress to the world around us, creating a lot of uncertainty and leaving everyone at home. With your children no longer at daycare or school, it can add to that stress and be tough to keep that school. Luckily, there are many silver linings we can take away from this time, a lot of it coming from simply remaining calm. As a parent, you’re going to have to take the lead and help your children make the most of the situation.

Here are some ideas to create a calming environment for your children during quarantine:

Establish a Routine

Many children are used to following a daily schedule with a majority of the structure coming from school. As long as you lock into some form of a routine, your children will become familiar with the cadence and start to take things in stride. It’s all about providing consistency and stability allowing your children to form a new rhythm while everyone is at home.

Make Expectations Clear

One thing you can do for your children is give them a goal for the day and plan far ahead so they know what to expect the next day. Don’t wait until you’re in the middle of the day to course correct, confront each day with a plan that your child can understand. It may vary based on the age of your children, but if you dig deep you can find something that works.

Be Positive

This is a confusing time for everyone, there are bound to be some hiccups along the way, but simply being as positive as possible will be the best thing for your children. They are adept at sensing stress, so being positive will help keep things as normal as possible.

Practice Self-Care

When you and your children have downtime, do things that you can both enjoy and bond over. If you can co-parent, make sure you and your spouse take turns giving you a bit of alone time so you can be refreshed a little bit doing something you enjoy.

Know When to Bend the Rules

When the situation calls for it, try to be as flexible as you can. If you can end your work day a bit early to do something fun with your child, take that opportunity. Reward good behavior by getting creative. Doing this will boost morale around the house and enhance overall positivity.

5 Tips to Effectively Teach Your Child Through COVID-19

COVID-19 has left children quarantined with parents at home with schools and day care centers closed across the country. There is a lot of uncertainty now, but we have no choice to move forward as best as we can. Now that your children are at home with you, there are certain actions you can take to ensure that they’re continuing an enriching learning experience. Here are some tips to keep your child stimulated through quarantine.

Take Things Slowly

It will take some time for your children to get used to school at home. The best thing you can do for them is to calmly give them the information you need while slowly building their routine. Make sure you give them time to decompress. You may be feeling anxious now, but try as much as you can to not pass that onto your children.

Develop a Schedule

Preparation is key when it comes to trying to make things as regular as possible during these rare circumstances. When there’s no schedule for your child to follow, simply take matters in your own hands by giving them a structure to follow every day. An important component to remember is to give your children some outside time as they’ll need it to not feel so isolated. If you’re working from home and can swing it, this would be great to spend this time together.

Find Online Replacement Activities

Outside of school work, there are probably multiple activities that have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Luckily, there have been many people and organizations that have stepped up to the plate. A great way to enrich your child’s day-to-day experience is by enrolling them in a couple of these activities. If your child’s instructor or coach is offering these classes, take them up on it as it’s an excellent way to keep them learning and engaging with their peers.

Let Your Children Use Creative Outlets

This is a tough time for everyone, but there are activities your child can learn and/or participate in that can help them calm their nerves. These are activities such as music, journaling, and art. This will allow them to properly state their feelings about COVID-19 and how their life has been impacted. They could also discover a new passion or talent!

Be Realistic

Make sure to keep your expectations tempered. Quarantine is not a competition, don’t put all of your energy into one activity and burn out. Just focus on doing the best you can and don’t compare your child’s progress to that of other children. Staying calm is the most important thing you can do to assure your child that everything is going to be just fine.

The Top Back to School Tips for Parents

Summer coming to an end means one thing: it is back to school season. It’s an exciting time, but many students dread the return of a new school year because it can be very stressful. However, it doesn’t have to be a negative experience for your children, as there are ways that you as a parent can help make the transition from a relaxing summer break to a busy new school year a smooth one.

Make Mornings Easy

Starting your children off on a peaceful morning routine can result in a relaxing yet focused day for them at school. To start, make sure you are up and ready at least 20 minutes before your children. It’s smart to plan their outfits and breakfast so they don’t feel rushed and anxious before the school day has begun. You should also implement a “no electronics” rule before bed and right away in the morning to avoid any distractions that can cause them to delay the newly established routine.

Get Them the Right School Supplies

Make sure you are reviewing the list of supplies that are provided by the school or a new teacher. Your children must have access to them from day one. This emphasizes the importance of preparation, and your child will surely do much better school the more prepared they are. You can make the shopping experience more positive for your child by splurging a little bit on a fun folder or notebook. This makes the object much more exciting to use and your child will cherish it over the first option.

Establish Consistent Regiment for Homework

A full school day isn’t short, so it can be hard to get your children to do their homework immediately following their home arrival. This can make them feel burnt out the minute they get home. If they wait too late into the night, they might not have enough time to finish their homework. This could lead to the development of bad behaviors such as procrastination or not doing the work at all. To avoid burning your children out, you should give them a short rest period before they start their homework. A substantial half-hour break right after they arrive from school is the perfect amount of downtime. Make sure your child has a clean workspace and can easily access the utensils (pens, markers, etc.) necessary for getting the work done.

Update Your Calendar

While many schools and school districts provide an academic schedule that highlights key events, it is vital to highlight your children’s homework due-dates. Some teachers will give a monthly or weekly calendar, but that can change. Ask your children about more significant projects and make them on your schedule. The more you’re made aware of their schoolwork, the more accountable the child will feel for its completion.

How to Encourage Your Children to Spend More Time Outdoors

It’s a struggle that most parents have in the modern era, especially considering how easily connected our children are amongst many, many devices. How can you encourage your children to spend more time outdoors?

You could pick them up yourself and drag them outside, but as they get older (and heavier), this isn’t viable. What are some practical ways to get your children under the age of 12 outdoors? Read on to learn five solutions.

To entice your children with the thought of being outside, you need to determine what they might be interested in. If your child plays sports during the school year, you could encourage them to practice more by playing the game outdoors, even if it’s a sport that is typically hosted in a gymnasium.

If your child is more artistic, give them some chalk or encourage them to draw outside. We drive a lot of our creative inspiration from things we find in nature, so teach them this lesson by having them do artwork, either on pavement or with whatever medium they choose to work with.

Sometimes our children are fussy, and neither you nor your child knows what they’re interested in. This is where you might have to do some creative thinking and experiment with activities. Encourage them to expand their imaginations and play outdoors, because surely they will find some fun.

More important bonding moments happen outdoors. Because of this, you will encourage your child to put down their devices and enjoy what nature has to offer both your children and you. Since you are the one who wants them to show interest in being outside, be a leader and engage with their activity. If your child wants to play a sport, play with them.

If you can’t figure out what to do outside with them, make a bucket list and knock off every activity together. Just make sure that these activities are exclusive to things you do outdoors. An enjoyable way to knocking off the items on your list is by going on an “adventure” day, which can be designated once or a few times a week. This gives your children a way to have an exciting time with the whole family.

If you have tried everything you can to get your child outside and they are not budging, you might need to invite some of their friends over. Just make sure they are spending their playtime outdoors. This is an excellent way for children to expand their imaginations and have outside, as they are more likely to make up a new activity if other children are around playing with them.

You can also get involved with the community to meet other families with similar interests. Look for events that are coming up and plan to go to at least once a month. Not only will you be getting your family involved with the community, but you might also make connections with other people to arrange further play dates with their children and yours. Having your children socialize more is very beneficial for their overall development.

Kids are already used to getting recess every day, so why not give it to them at home? Use the methods above to create habits for your kids, because sooner than you know it, they will be asking to go outside more often, which means you’ve succeeded in having them spend less time in front of a television or tablet.

Getting them in the habit of going outside will encourage them to spend more and more time outside, even if they are only going out for the portion of the day that you’ve planned.

It might seem too simple, but this method is beneficial. If you have a seating area in any part outside of your house, get your children outside by having them do more daily activities out there. This includes eating meals, doing homework, crafts, and games. And if your kiddos are active readers, introduce them to the world of reading outdoors.

While normal activities are not as engaging as physical activity, they are still spending time outside, which might encourage them to do more of. It can be a fight in itself, getting them to leave the house, so having them do these simple tasks is a big win.

It can be tough to introduce new routines and activities for your kids, especially when they are so used to spending their free time on their digital devices. Just like kids, it can be challenging to do this as an adult. So do not give up, and lead by example. You need to the motivation and inspiration for getting your children outside, so do not give up–because soon you will have more bonding moments with your children.